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Birds and Animals Part 1

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→ The world’s largest zoological reserve is the → Etosha national park, Namibia

→ The world’s largest aquarium is the → Sydney Aquarium

→ The smallest bird alive is the → Humming bird

→ The only mammal that can fly is the → Bat

→ The largest Kangaroo in the world is the → Red Kangaroo

→ The largest bird alive is the → Ostrich

→ The fish which is known as the king of fishes is the → Shark

→ The fastest moving land snake in the world is the → Black Mamba

→ The bird which lays more than 100 eggs in one nest is the → Ostrich

→ The arms of the octopus are called → Tentacles

→ The animal revered by the buddhists as their sacred animal is the → White elephant

→ It is widely believed that Ostrich buries its head in sand which is → Not true

→ How many arms an octopus has → Eight

→ Egg laying mammals are called → Prototherians

→ Bharatpur bird sanctuary is situated in → Rajasthan

→ Austrian scientist Konard Lorenz is famous for Study on → Geese

→ Animals having backbone (vertebra) are known as → Vertebrates

→ An animal doctor is called a → Veterinarian

→ Albatross is a large → Sea bird

→ African donkey with black and white stripes is called a → Zebra

→ A small worm which lives in ponds and rivers and sucks the blood of animals is → Leech

→ A small fish having a head like that of a horse is known as → Sea horse

→ A group of lions is called a → Pride

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