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TSPSC Junior Lecturer in English - Syllabus

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TSPSC Junior Lecturer in English - Syllabus 


1. Current affairs – Regional, National and International. 

2. International Relations and Events.

3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology.

4. Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation 


5. Economic and Social Development of India and Telangana.

6. Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India. 

7. Physical, Social and Economic Geography and Demography of Telangana. 

8. Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special 

emphasis on Indian National Movement.

9. Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Telangana with special 

emphasis on Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telangana 


10.Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy. 

11.Social Exclusion; Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc. and 

inclusive policies. 

12.Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.

13.Policies of Telangana State.

14.Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation. 

15.Basic English (10th class Standard).

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I. Genres, Movements, Schools, Concepts.

Renaissance-Reformation, Metaphysical poetry, Neo-classicism, Puritanism, 

Restoration, Romanticism,Victorian Age, Realism-Naturalism, Expressionism, 

Symbolism, Modernism, Postmodernism.

 Structuralism, Poststructuralism, Feminism, Postcolonialism, Diaspora, Race 

Gender and Caste.

 English Literary Criticism from Philip Sydney to Matthew Arnold

 New Criticism, Formalism, Archetypal criticism, New Historicism, Psychoanalytical 

criticism,Reader response criticism.

 Literary Genres: Poetry, Fiction, Prose, Drama (origins and development, 

elements, forms, types) 

II. Writers and Texts

i. Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus

ii. William Shakespeare Hamlet

iii. John Milton Paradise Lost-Book 1

iv. William Wordsworth “Immortality Ode”, Tintern Abbey

v. Robert Browning “My Last Duchess”, “Andrea del Sarto”

vi. Thomas Hardy Tess of the d’ Urbervilles

vii. TS Eliot The Waste Land

viii. G.B. Shaw Saint Joan

ix. Virginia Woolf “A Room of One’s Own”

x. William Golding Lord of the Flies

xi. Walt Whitman “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard 

Bloomd”,”Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”

xii. Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman

xiii. Toni Morrison Beloved

xiv. Mulk Raj Anand Untouchable

xv. Kamala Das “An Introduction”, “The Old Playhouse”

xvi. Girish Karnad Hayavadana

xvii. Salman Rushdie Midnight’s Children

xviii. Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart

xix. Margaret Atwood Edible Woman

xx. Derek Walcott Dream on Monkey Mountain

III. English Language Teaching

1. ELT in India : (History and status of English in India; English as Second 

Language, English as Foreign Language, and English as Global Language).

2. Methods and Approaches: (Grammar Translation method, Direct method, Audio-

Lingual method; Structural approach, Communicative language teaching)

3. Teaching of Language Skills : (Teaching of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and 

Writing Skills; Teaching of Grammar and Functional English; Teaching of 

Vocabulary; Classroom techniques; Use of authentic materials) Teaching 


4. Testing and Evaluation: (Principles, Types, Objectives of testing and evaluation)

5. Phonetics and Phonology; Syntax and Structure.

IV. Literary comprehension-(Excerpts from poetry and prose for comprehension

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