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One Word Substitution in English Language

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What is One Word Substitution in English Language?

One word substitution is the use of one word in place of a wordy phrase in order to make the sentence structure clearer. The meaning, with the replacement of the phrase remains identical while the sentence becomes shorter.

Some Substitutes:

1. One who looks at the bright side of things - Optimist 

2. One who looks at the dark side of things -Pessimist

3. One who does not believe in God  - Atheist

4. One who believes in God - Theist

5. One who knows everything - Omniscient

6. One who is present everything- Omnipresent

7. One who is all powerful  - Omnipotent

8. One who cannot read and write  - Illiterate

9. One who loves mankind - Philanthropist

10. One who hates mankind - Misanthropist

11. One who is out to destroy the government - Anarchist

12. One who eats human flesh - Cannibal

13. One who lives on flesh - Carnivorous

14. One who lives at the same time - Contemporary

15. One who is eighty years old - Octogenarian

16. One for whom the world is a home - Cosmopolitan

17. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure - Stoic

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