List Of Animal Sounds From A To Z
Armadillo | grunt |
Ape | moo |
Ant | cry |
Alligator | bellow, hiss |
Aardvark | bark, grunt |
Crow | bleats, grunts |
Crocodile | bellow, hiss |
Crickets | chirp, creak |
Crane | roar, growl, bellow, bray |
Coyote | bell,troat |
Cows | low, moo |
Cocks | crow |
Cockroach | hiss |
Cockerel | crows |
Chimpanzee | chatter, gibber |
Chicks | cheep |
Chicken | chuck, cluck |
Cheetah | bleat, chirp |
Cattle | moo, low, bawl, bellow |
Cat | mew, purr, meow, hiss |
Camel | nuzzing, grunt |
Calves | bleat |
Buffalo | drone |
Bittern | growl, boom |
Birds | chirrup, chirp, twitter, sing, whistle |
Beetle | gibber, drone |
Bee | hum and buzz |
Beaver | utter |
Bear | pink, fink |
Bat | poo |
Badger | growl |
Duck | honk, cackle, clang |
Dove | coo |
Donkeys | bray |
Donkey | buzz |
Dolphins | click |
Dogs | bark |
Dog | bark, bay |
Deer | bray, hee-haw |
Ducks | quack |
Eagle | squawk |
Elephants | trumpet, roar |
Frog | croak |
Foxes | bark, yelp, simper |
Fly | clang |
Flies | buzz, hum |
Fish | blub, glug, swish |
Ferret | chirp, churr |
Guinea Pig | squeak, wheek |
Grouse | squawk |
Grasshoppers | chirp |
Grasshopper | quack |
Gorilla | grunt |
Goose | sloquawk |
Goat | drum |
Giraffe | cry |
Gerbil | purr |
Geese | cackle, quack |
Hyena | scream, bellow, wail |
Hummingbirds | hum |
Humans | whisper, whistle, scream, sing, talk |
Horse | neigh, whinny |
Hornet | hum, buzz, murmur |
Hogs | grunt |
Hippopotamus | yelp, cry |
Hens | cackle, cluck |
Hawk | scram |
Hare | squeak |
Hamster | trumpet |
Jackals | howl |
Kangaroo | chatter, grunt, cluck, |
Koalas | scream, bellow, wail |
Lambs | bleat |
Lark | sings |
Lions | roar, growl |
Mouse | peep, squeak |
Mosquitoes | whine |
Moose | bellow |
Monkeys | chatter, whoop, screech |
Mice | squeak and squeal |
Nightingales | pipe, sing, warble |
Oxen | bellow, low |
Owls | hoot, scream, shriek |
Owl | hoot, screech, |
Otter | meow, squeak |
Ostriches | chirp, bark, low hum |
Possum | growl, click, hiss |
Porpoise | chitter |
Porcupine | mumble, grunt, snuff |
Polar Bear | growl |
Pigs | snort, grunt, squeal, oink |
Pigeon | coo |
Penguin | honk, bleat |
Peacocks | scream |
Parrots | talk, screech, squawk |
Panda | huff-quack, whistle |
Rooster | crow |
Rook | hiss |
Rhinoceros | bellow |
Raven | croak |
Rat | squeak |
Raccoon | groan |
Rabbits | squeak, drum |
Turtle | scream |
Turkey | gobbles |
Tigers | growl, roar |
Termite | thump, rattling |
Swan | hiss, grunt |
Swallow | twitters |
Squirrel | squeak |
Spider | hiss |
Sparrow | pipe, warble, |
Snake | hiss |
Snail | rawr, cry |
Sheep | baa, bleat |
Shark | neigh, whinny |
Seals | bark |
Seagulls | scream, squawk |
Seagull | screams |
Sea Lion | bark |
Viper | scream |
Vultures | scream |
Wren | warbles |
Woodpecker | click, laugh, yap |
Wombat | growl |
Wolves | howl, cry, yell |
Whale | sing |
Wallaby | chatter, cluck |
Yak | grunt |
Zebras | whinny |