→ The young one of a goat is called a → Kid
→ The young of an elephant is called a → Calf
→ The smallest known fish is the → Dwaft pygmy goby
→ The smallest dog on earth is the → Chihuahua
→ The size of a newly born kangaroo is → 2.5 cms
→ The only animal which has four knees is the → Elephant
→ The only animal that sleeps on its back is → Man
→ The number of teeth a fox has is → Forty two
→ The male of a cow is called a → Bull
→ The largest seabird is the → Albatross
→ The female of a stag are called a → Hind
→ The country which is the largest exporter of hippopotamuses in Europe is → Hungary
→ An animal which is dumb is the → Giraffe
→ A group of wolves are called a → Pack
→ A group of sheep are called a → Flock
→ A group of quail are called a → Bevy
→ A group of hares are called a → Husk
→ A group of gorillas are called a → Band
→ A group of fish are called a → Shoal
→ A group of elephants are called a → Herd
→ A group of eagles are called a → Convocation
→ A group of cattle are called a → Herd
→ A frog catches insects with its → Tongue
→ A common domesticated animal which is colour-blind is the → Dog
→ A bird which lays only one egg in two years is the → Albatross