→ The largest of all lizards is the → Albatros
→ The largest known frog is the → Ora
→ The longest known frog is the → Goliath Grog
→ The longest insect in the world is the → Giant stick Insect
→ The fastest moving insect in the world is the → Tropical cockroach
→ The giant stick Insect is found in → Indonesia
→ There are how many kinds of cat species in India → Fifteen
→ The animal known as the river horse is the → Hippopotamus
→ The elephant’s trunk is actually a modified → Incisor
→ The diet of a gorilla is purely → Vegetarian
→ The only ape found in India is the → Hoolock’s Gibbon
→ The number of known species of mammals are → 4230
→ The fish that can taste with its whole body is the → Catfish
→ The average weight of a blue whale is → 1,20,000 kg.
→ The most widely eaten fish in India is the → Pomfret
→ The only fish that makes nest is the → Stickle back
→ A group of peacocks are called a → Muster
→ Gold fish originally belongs to → China
→ Red panda is also known as the → Cat bear
→ A female rabbit is called a → Doe
→ A female horse is called a → Mare
→ A female pig is called a → Sow
→ The whale believed to be a fish,is actually a → Mammal
→ The organ which is missing in the Camel is the → Gall bladder
→ The Archer fish catches its flies by → Spitting at them