→ A camel can remain without water for → 30 days
→ A female Ass is called as → Jenny
→ A fox’s tail is called a → Brush
→ A group of cats are called a → Clutter
→ A group of foxes are called a → Skulk
→ A group of snakes are called a → Den
→ A squirrel’s home is called a → Drey
→ A young kangaroo is called a → Joey
→ A young pigeon is called a → Swab
→ Elephant fish are found in → Tropical Africa
→ Fishes evolved in which era → Silurian
→ How many arms a giant squid has → Ten
→ How many teeth a horse has → Forty
→ How many teeth a turtle has → Eight
→ Penguins are found in the → South pole
→ Project Tiger was launched in India in the year → 1972
→ Ranganthittu bird sanctuary is located near → Mysore
→ Snow leopards are found in → Himalayas
→ The average pregnancy period of a female dog is → 63 days
→ The cat belongs to the family called → Falidate
→ The cat which is commonly used in the hunting game is the → Cheetah
→ The first animal to go into space was → Dog
→ The insect which has the largest population on earth is the → Wasp
→ The largest division of the animal kingdom is the → Arthropoda