Admission Notification into 1st year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Women for Year 2018-19.
Online applications are invited from women candidates for admission into 1st year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc Degree English Medium Courses (40 students in each course) in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Women for the Academic Year 2018-19.
Last date for applying is 09-05-2018.
I. General Information
1) Students who have passed in Intermediate Annual Examinations in 2018 or 2017 conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education of Telangana State or its equivalent and who secured 40% or more marks are eligible to apply for admission.
2) The admissions into 1st Year Degree Semester wise Course offered by TSW Residential Degree Colleges will be made on the basis of marks secured in Intermediate or its equivalent by following the rule of reservations (item-V & VI)
3) Candidates whose annual income of the parents is more than Rs.2.00 lakhs in Urban areas and Rs.1.50 lakhs in Rural areas are not eligible for admission into 1st Degree Courses.
4) The counselling schedule/dates/venue for admissions into 1st Year Degree/Semester wise Courses will be announced/published in Society Website
5) The candidates seeking admission into 1st year degree course have to appear for counselling to be held in TSW Residential Educational Institutions located at region/old district head quarters with relevant certificates in original (one set of Xerox copies) viz., TC, Intermediate Marks Memo, Bonafied/ Conduct Certificate, Caste certificate issued by MRO/Tahasildar, parents Income certificate issued by the Tahsildar on or after 01.04.2018, NCC/ACC, Games and Sports, PHC, Children of Armed persons and Orphan Certificate etc.,
6) Applying for admission does not confer any right for admission. Applicants shall also fulfil other admission criteria stipulated by TSWREI Society, Hyderabad.
7) The Society reserves the right to change the rules of admissions as per the directions of the Government and University from time to time.
8) The Society reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage, if the particulars furnished by the candidate are found incorrect or against the rules of admission
⏩ II. How to Apply
1. The candidate shall first go through the prospectus carefully, available in the website and satisfy herself with the eligibility criteria for appearing for admission.
2. The candidate shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the prospectus and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form.
3. On submission of application online, the candidate has to take a copy (print) of the acknowledgement in which a reference number also will be given, it is to be preserved for further reference. The candidate is solely held responsible for any mistakes / incorrect information given by her. Hence they must take utmost care while filling the online application.
4. The applications of the ineligible candidates will be rejected.
Admission Notification into 1st year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Women for Year 2018-19.
Online applications are invited from women candidates for admission into 1st year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc Degree English Medium Courses (40 students in each course) in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Women for the Academic Year 2018-19.
Last date for applying is 09-05-2018.
I. General Information
1) Students who have passed in Intermediate Annual Examinations in 2018 or 2017 conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education of Telangana State or its equivalent and who secured 40% or more marks are eligible to apply for admission.
2) The admissions into 1st Year Degree Semester wise Course offered by TSW Residential Degree Colleges will be made on the basis of marks secured in Intermediate or its equivalent by following the rule of reservations (item-V & VI)
3) Candidates whose annual income of the parents is more than Rs.2.00 lakhs in Urban areas and Rs.1.50 lakhs in Rural areas are not eligible for admission into 1st Degree Courses.
4) The counselling schedule/dates/venue for admissions into 1st Year Degree/Semester wise Courses will be announced/published in Society Website
5) The candidates seeking admission into 1st year degree course have to appear for counselling to be held in TSW Residential Educational Institutions located at region/old district head quarters with relevant certificates in original (one set of Xerox copies) viz., TC, Intermediate Marks Memo, Bonafied/ Conduct Certificate, Caste certificate issued by MRO/Tahasildar, parents Income certificate issued by the Tahsildar on or after 01.04.2018, NCC/ACC, Games and Sports, PHC, Children of Armed persons and Orphan Certificate etc.,
6) Applying for admission does not confer any right for admission. Applicants shall also fulfil other admission criteria stipulated by TSWREI Society, Hyderabad.
7) The Society reserves the right to change the rules of admissions as per the directions of the Government and University from time to time.
8) The Society reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage, if the particulars furnished by the candidate are found incorrect or against the rules of admission
⏩ II. How to Apply
1. The candidate shall first go through the prospectus carefully, available in the website and satisfy herself with the eligibility criteria for appearing for admission.
2. The candidate shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the prospectus and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form.
3. On submission of application online, the candidate has to take a copy (print) of the acknowledgement in which a reference number also will be given, it is to be preserved for further reference. The candidate is solely held responsible for any mistakes / incorrect information given by her. Hence they must take utmost care while filling the online application.
4. The applications of the ineligible candidates will be rejected.
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