👊Telangana is the 29th state of India, formed on the 2nd of June 2014. The state has an area of 1,14,840 Sq Km and has a population of 3,52,86,757. The Telangana region was part of the Hyderabad state from Sept 17th 1948 to Nov 1st 1956, until it was merged with Andhra state to form the Andhra Pradesh state.After decades of movement for a separate State, Telangana was created by passing the AP State Reorganization Bill in both houses of Parliament. Telangana is surrounded by Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh in the North, Karnataka in the West and Andhra Pradesh in the South and East directions. Major cities of the state include Hyderabad, Warangal, Nizamabad and Karimnagar.
💥Telangana Statistics💥
👊Capital City Hyderabad Area114,840 Sq. Kms.
👊Districts 👉10
👊Revenue Divisions 👉42
👊 Towns(as per Census, 2011)👉158
👊Municipal Corporations👉6
👊Nagara Panchayaths👉25
👊Zilla Praja Parishads
👊Mandal Praja Parishads
👊Gram Panchayaths
👊Revenue Mandals
👊Revenue Village
👊Inhabited Villages
👊Un-inhabited Villages
👉83.58 Lakhs
👊Household Population
👉351.94 Lakhs
👉177.04 Lakhs
👊sex Ratio (Female per 1000 Males)
👊RatioDensity of Population
👉307 per Sq. Km
👊Decadal Growth Rate (2001-2011)
👉13.58 Rate
👊Rural Population
👉215.85 Lakhs
👊Rural Population Male
👉107.97 Lakhs
👊Rural Population Female
👉107.88 Lakhs
👊Rural Population Sex Ratio (Female per 1000 Males)
👊RatioRural to Total Population
👉61.33 %
👊Urban Population
👉136.09 Lakhs
👊Urban Population Male
👉69.07 Lakhs
👊Urban Population Female
👉67.02 Lakhs
👊Urban Population Sex Ratio (Female per 1000 Males)
👊RatioUrban to Total Population
👉38.64 %
👊SC Population
👉54.33 Lakhs
👊SC Population Male
👉27.05 Lakhs
👊SC Population Female
👉27.28 Lakhs
👊ST Population
👉32.87 Lakhs
👊ST Population Male
👉16.60 Lakhs
👊ST Population Female
👊Child Population (0-6 years)
👉39.20 Lakhs
👊Child Population (0-6 years) Male
👉20.28 Lakhs
👊Child Population (0-6 years) Female
👉18.92 Lakhs
👊Child to Total Population
👉11.14 %
👊Child Sex Ratio (Female per 1000 Males)
👉933 Ratio
👉207.84 Lakhs
👊Literates Male
👉117.49 Lakhs
👊Literates Female
👉90.35 Lakhs
👊Literacy Rate
👉66.46 %
👊Literacy Rate Male
👉74.95 %
👊Literacy Rate Female
👉57.92 %
👊Total Workers
👉164.53 Lakhs
👊Main Workers
👉138.06 Lakhs
👊Marginal Workers
👉26.47 Lakhs
👊Members of Parliament (MPs)
👊Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs)
👊Zilla Parishad Territorial Constituency Members (ZPTCs)
👊Mandal Parishad Territorial Constituency Members (MPTCs)