March 04, 2024
- L S R W skills are called Language skills
- Language skills are also known as macro skills
- Listening and reading are passive/receptive skills
- Speaking and writing are active / productive skills
- It is easier to learn passive skills than active skills
- Any single skill is called Micro skill
Objectives of Teaching poetry
- Read effectively with proper intonation, stress, Rhythm and pronunciation
- Grasp the theme of the poem and poet’s interpretation
- Understand the mood of the poem and poet’s interpretation
- Locate the picture words and figures of speech
- Memorize beautiful and interesting lines from the poems
- Quote parallel lines from mother tongue and English
- Both active and passive vocabulary should be developed
- Aesthetic sense is found in while teaching poetry.
Objective of Teaching Prose:-
- Recognize the characteristic English sounds as far as possible (stress, intonation, rhythm
- etc)
- Get the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.
- Find contextual clues of the meaning
- Get at the tone of the speaker – anger, surprise, fear, joy etc.,
- Both active and passive vocabulary should be developed
Objectives of Teaching Supplementary Reader
- To create interest in reading English texts for pleasure
- To develop faster rates of silent reading and comprehension.
- To motivate them for self study
- To expand their passive vocabulary
- To help their intellectual and emotional development.
- It is an example of Extensive Reading.
Objectives of Teaching Composition
- Writing a composition is an exercise in imagination and using writing skills
- Practice composition as a four phase process.