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Phonetics and phonetics transcription in English

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▶In Telugu and many other languages every letter stands for a particular sound only. So we normally don't find any problem with pronunciation.

👉English language has only 26 letters. But a single letter may stand for many sounds. So we are confused to understand the logic between spelling and pronunciation and commit many mistakes.

👉The only solution to this is learning 'Phonetics'

👉Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and how they are produced.

👉There are 44 speech sounds in English language Speech sounds include vowels and consonants

There are 20 vowel sounds in English.

Twelve of them are pure vowels and eight are diphthongs.

Diphthongs are vowels produced by a glide from one pure vowel to another.

here are 24 consonant sounds in English

The smallest bit of language that has its own meaning, either a word or a part of a word is called morpheme.

A syllable is the single unit of speech, either a whole word or one of the parts into which a word can be separated Stress is the degree of breath-force with which a speaker pronounces a sound or a syllable. Stress is
marked in a word by putting a small vertical bar.

Intonation is the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of voice when speaking.
Pitch refers to the intensity of voice. It refers to the highness or lowness of voice. Women general! have voice with high pitch and men with low pitch.

Rhythm is the regularity of loudness and softness with different words in a sentence are pronounced. Similar sound produced at the end of each poetic line is called rhythm

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