This year we encourage all our members to celebrate International School Library Day on 3rd October 2016 in the UK, as part of the worldwide International School Library Month initiative by IASL. The theme for 2016 has not been announced yet but we will update this page when we hear more.
Resources developed for previous years' celebrations are still available to download. The SLA has a series of great posters, which are all free to download. Look also at the bookmarks and other resources to help librarians celebrate the day.
As a recognition of all the invaluable help that pupil librarians can be to busy school librarians the SLA published the Pupil Librarian Toolkit as a free download for all SLA members. The Toolkit was produced by the SLA's Past Chair Eileen Armstrong and designed by our Production Editor, Richard Leveridge.
Founded in 1999 by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL), ISLD was originally celebrated in most parts of the world on the fourth Monday in October. As this is almost always in school holidays in the UK, it was decided that we will celebrate it here in the UK on the first Monday in October instead. This is also the first day of the UK's National Children's Book Week, which includes National Poetry Day on the Thursday. IASL have now made it into International School Library Month which lasts for the whole of October and librarians can decide when and for how long they wish to celebrate the achievements of school libraries and school librarians.