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Types Of Evaluation in English

 Types Of Evaluation in English


Diagnostic Evaluation:

It is usually done at the beginning of the teaching learning process in order to find out the strengths and weaknesses either at individual or at class level. It determines the causes of learning problems and formulates a plan for remedial action.

Formative Evaluation:

It provides feedback at the appropriate stages of teaching-learning process which helps on making changes in the curriculum. Formative evaluation is done during the teaching learning process to evaluate

1. Student's learning

2. Effectiveness of teaching

3. Curriculum and the courses

4. Curriculum materials

5. The learning environment

Summative Evaluation:

The term 'summative' refers to assigning a grade for student's achievement at the end of the term, course or instructional programme. Summative evaluation is concerned with making judgments about a finished product or process. Terminal and Annual examinations whether internal or external are good examples for summative evaluation.

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