1. Which of the following has become the first Regional Rural Bank issuing debit cards in the country?
1) Punjab Gramina Bank2) Nainital/Almora RRB
3) Kashi Gomti samyut Gramin Bank
4) Barod RRB
2. What percentage of central taxes was recommended by the 13th Finance commission to be transfered to states?
1) 28.5%2) 29.5%
3) 32%
4) 31.5%
3. Which organisation is meant to ensure exports from India?
1) Exim Bank2) ECGC
3) Ministry of commerce
4) None
4. NABARD was established on the recommendation of?
1) Public account committee
2) Shivaraman committee
3) Narsimham committee
4) Nareeman committee
5. The financial year for banks is April-March but what is the financial year for RBI?
1) January to December2) April to March
3) October to September
4) July to June
6. Note issuing deptt. Of RBI should always posses the minimum gold stock of worth?
1) Rs. 85 crore2) Rs. 115 crore
3) Rs. 200 crore
4) Rs. 215 crore
7. Which statement of the following is true for IMF?
1) It is not an agency of UNO2) It can grant loan to any country of the world
3) It can grant loan only to state govt. Of a country
4) It grants loan only to member nations
8. Which of the following is public sector organisation?
1) FCI- Food corporation of India2) FCI- Fertilizer corporation of India
3) Cotton corporation of India
4) Jute corporation of India
9. The cause of deflation is?
1) Lack of goods & services as compared to money supply2) Lack of imports as compared to exports
3) Lack of money supply as compared to supply of goods and services
4) None of the above
10. Pure Banking, Nothing Else is a slogan raised by?
1) ICICI Bank2) HDFC Bank
3) SBI Bank
4) UTI Bank
11. Devolution means?
1) To reduce the value of home currency in the currency2) To appreciate the value of home currency
3) To issue new currency in place of old currency
4) None of the above
12. Recently government allowed FDI in Multi brand retail and capped at?
1) 27 %2) 49 %
3) 51%
4) 74 %
13. Which country has decided to completely ban the sale of petrol & diesel cars by 2040?
1) America2) Britain
3) France
4) Japan
14. What are Blue chip companies?
1) companies which business in fisheries sectors2) A Blue chip company is very strong financially
3) High risk startups
4) A company manufacturing memory card
15. Which bank received scheduled bank status from reserve bank of india in February 2017?
1) Equitas small finance Bank2) Ujjivan small finance Bank
3) Janalakshmi small finance Bank
4) Suryodaya small finance Bank
16. Who is the Vice- Chairman of NITI AYOG?
1) Hasmukh adhie2) Rajiv shukla
3) Arvind Panagaria
4) Rajiv kumar
17. What is TEZ?
1) Ticket Booking APP2) Train status tracking APP
3) Digital payment APP
4) Indian post APP
18. Dalal street is situated at?
1) London2) Paris
3) Mumbai
4) New Delhi
19. Government has issued an audience announcing ULIPS as Insurance Product. The regulations of ULIPs Will now be done by ?
1) SEBI only2) IRDA only
3) Both SEBI and IRDA
4) Government IfCEs
20. MRTP is related to?
1) Monopolies and Restrictive Trade practices2) Inflation control
3) Transport control
4) Foreign Exchange Regulations
21. The process of budget making after re-evaluating every item of expenditure in every financial year is Known as ?
1) Performance Budgeting2) Deficit Budgeting
3) Zero based Budgeting
4) Fresh Budgeting
22. For National Manufacturing and Investment Zone (NMIZ), Special Economic zone (SEZ) and EOUs (Exports oriented Units), Which of the following statement is true?
1) NMIZs and EOUs will be located with in SEZs2) SEZs and EOUs will be located with in NMIZ
3) NMIZs are independent of SEZs and EOUs
4) NMIZs and SEZs will be competitors in nature
23. UNs world Population prospects 2012 report projects world population in 2050 at?
1) 8.9 billion2) 9.2 billion
3) 9.6 billion
4) 10.2 billion
24. What is Hawala?
1) Full details of a subject2) Tax evasion
3) Illegal transactions of foreign exchange
4) Illegal trading of shares
25. Which committee was constituted for reforms in tax - structure?
1) Narsimham committee2) Gadgil committee
3) Chelliah committee
4) Kelkar committee
26. What is the base year of newly introduced Consumer price Index (CPI)?
1) 20002) 2010
3) 2011
4) 2012
27. Which is true for existing Economic and Industrial Polices of Indian Govt.?
a. FERA was abolishedb. MRTP was abolished
c. Cash compensatory support for exports was abolished
d. Industrial Licensing was abolished
1) a, b, c and d
2) a, c and d
3) c and d
4) b and d
28. Kisan credit card scheme was launched on the recommendations of ?
1) Working Group under the chairmanship of TM Bhasin2) High powered committee under the chairmanship of C Rangarajan
3) Expert committee under the chairmanship of Vimal jalan
4) B Shivaraman committee
29. The term Fat cat Thursday is associated with?
1) Salaries of CEO of the companies2) Carried interest
3) Profit of Fortune 500 companies
4) salaries of members of Parliament
30. Which sport celebrity says PNB Mera Apna Bank?
1) Pankaj advani2) PV Sindhu
3) Virat kohli
4) Rohit sharma
31. Which day is celebrated as National Excise Duty Day?
1) 26th January2) 24th February
3) 14th April
4) 10th June
32. Air Deccan has been re-named as?
1) King fisher Red2) Jet Red
3) Sahara Red
4) Indigo Red
33. Which of the following is not a Maharathna status having company?
1) Coal India Ltd2) SAIL
34. Closed Economy is that economy in which?
1) Only export takes place2) Money supply is fully controlled
3) Deficit financing takes place
4) Neither export nor import takes place
35. The headquarters of work bank is situated at?
1) Manila2) Washington D.C.
3) New York
4) Geneva
36. Which pair is not correct?
1) Exim Bank- Financing for export import2) IDBI- Industrial finance
3) RBI- Bankers bank
4) FCI- Financial assistance to commercial institutions
37. Which tax is collected by Panchayat?
1) Sales Tax2) Custom duty
3) Land Revenue
4) Tax on local fairs
38. SEBI has reduced the process duration time limit of Right Issues from 109 dyas to?
1) 89 days2) 72 days
3) 62 days
4) 43 days
39. The nationalisation of the major commercial banks took place in?
1) 19472) 1956
3) 1969
4) 1980
40. The headquarters of RBI is in?
1) Delhi2) Kanpur
3) Mumbai
4) Nasik
41. Open market operation is a part of ?
1) Income Policy2) Fiscal Policy
3) Credit Policy
4) Labour Policy
42. The regulator of micro finance in India is?
1) Finance Ministry2) RBI
3) State Bank of India
4) None
43. Which organisation formulates Fiscal Policy in India?
1) Ministry of Finance2) NITI AYOG
3) RBI
4) SBI
44. In which year Economic liberalisation took place in india?
1) 19852) 1989
3) 1991
4) 1993
45. The rate at which RBI gives short term loan to commercial banks is called?
1) Repo Rate2) Reverse Repo Rate
3) Bank Rate
4) Cash Reserve Rate 46. LIC of India was established in ? 1) 1897
2) 1950
3) 1956
4) 1965
47. Which of the following is not a financial regulator?
48. Rs. 20 and above value notes are printed in?
1) Currency note press, Nasik road2) Bank note press, Dewas
3) Security printing press, Hyderabad
4) All of the above
49. The newly introduced Indian rupee symbol is based on?
1) Roman script2) Deva nagari script
3) 1, 2
4) None
50. Which part of the divided UTI is working as mutual fund under SEBI rules?
1) UTI-12) UTI-2
3) Both 1 & 2
4) None
51. Indian banks have the maximum foreign branches in?
1) Bangladesh2) England
3) USA
4) Pakistan
52. Which bank is limited to the needs of agriculture and rural finance?
1) SBI2) IFC
4) RBI
53. Which of the first subsidiary bank of SBI was merge with State Bank of India?
1) State Bank of Indore
2) State Bank of Patiala
3) State Bank of Hyderabad
4) State Bank of Saurastra